Wednesday, May 29, 2013


For my product I have learned problem solving skills. I believe that the skills I learned will help me to become more involved in my community and help me face bigger challenges. It also helps me so I can become a better facilitator in a team environment. I learned patients and problem solving skills and I feel that they are helping me and are becoming a habit after doing my presentation. I never realized how important my product could be or how much my topic could teach me about myself, and my capabilities. I plan to use my newfound skills as much as I can throughout my college experience and feel very prepared, and very confident about attending to college knowing I know how to solve very difficult problems. My mentors, sources, and independent component all helped me with my product and I feel very excited about knowing how prepared I am to face difficult problems in the future. I am also confident in my patients, and my learning abilities because of my product and what I discovered about myself, and the work that I do. I originally thought my product had to be something physical, but it turned out that it was not. My product is meant to help me in the future so that I can succeed and do the best that I can, and use my full potential. After learning and going through a nine month process of doing a project, I feel as if I can do a lot more and give good presentations.

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