Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blog 25: Mentorship

LIA Response to blog:
·     Paul Yanes Cell Number:(626)-383-6323, Work Number: 1(213)-798-582, Email:
·     David Wade Cell/Work Number: (714)-801-5517,

     The most important thing I have gained from this experience is problem solving skills, viewing things differently, and being patient because of what this project required me to do and how my mentors taught me. I had to face many problems that really frustrated me and I could not think of a way to over come those problems because of the frustration and stress. This projected presented problems on a whole over level for me when I was making my furniture. My mentors helped me with this problem by showing me how to over come situations like the one sI had faced and taught me the best problem solving skills I have ever learned. They had to teach me these skills because in woodworking, every project is a problem weather its how to make joinery, or which wood to use based on its characteristics so it suits your projected. It was very challenging and I am grateful for this experience because I now have better problem solving skills then I did nine months ago. I also learned how to be patient and how to plan ahead of time which also helped a lot. I was inpatient at times and that led to more problems because I would mess up by cutting a piece the wrong way, or maybe I had cut it too short because I was not patient enough. I needed to plan a head of time to because I was bad at estimating how much time a project would take me. With my new problem solving skills, I learned skills that helped me AVOID problems in the first place, such as taking possible problems and variables into consideration so that I will have plenty of time to do the work I need to do to the best of my abilities.
  Everything that I have done with my mentorship hours have helped me answer my EQ because I explored each of my answers. My answers where basic things in woodworking, finishing, joinery, and materials. Those are the main things in woodworking because you must always finish your piece to preserve it, you join the furniture together with joinery, and you use different wood materials to make your furniture. I explored each answer and was able to fully understand what each of my answers meant and how well they answered my essential question which was "what is most important for a woodworker to consider in creating an aesthetic piece of furniture?". Finishing was a good answer, and my mentorship helped me understand why it was such a good answer. Because of the many different types of finishes, they change they have the ability to change the color and texture of the wood which changes the aesthetics of the furniture piece. In my mentorship I explored my second answer Joinery. My mentorship really helped me with this answer because I gained the understanding of realizing that joinery is a whole different type of aesthetics. Joinery provided the ability for the furniture piece to function. To some people, the function of the furniture (which comes from the joinery) was more aesthetic then the appearance of the furniture. My mentor had told me that some people prefer personality over looks, joinery/ function over appearance. Joinery itself plays a role in the aesthetics of the furniture to a certain extent. For my third answer, my mentor had asked me what I always take into consideration in woodworking. The answer was not clear to me, but once I started my independent component two and did research, I realized that the wood itself, the material, is what every woodworker takes into consideration. I was able to back up my third and best answer because of my mentorship, my mentor had taught me about the different materials in woodworking, and about the characteristics about those materials. I experimented with different wood materials and saw their weakness and their strengths because of my mentorship. My mentorship provided solid experience and evidence for each of my answer which is how my mentorship helped me answer my EQ, by helping me have hands on experience and studying my answers and going into depth about how each answer is an answer to my essential question, and the relationship between each answer and my essential question.

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