Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog 4: Working EQ

The Pentagon: 

(1) Positive Statement: What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?
One of the most positive things that has happened as a result of my learning is the way I view woodworking and how to better connect with the environment so that my work can appeal to the human eye, weather its the type of wood I use or the small details, such as smoothing the angles.  I also have met new, very prestige woodworkers who have given me their feed back on woodworking.
(2) EQ Content:  Pick a piece of research or your interview.  How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?
I had a piece of research that talked about the different things wood is used for and how it can be used. Different woods react different to different temperatures, how to make wood more water resistant, very specific things about the wood itself. My first interviewee talked about how the wood could be used differently like the article said. It came to my attention that my projected doesn't have to be based on furniture, but the wood itself. I need to understand the wood because it is the base of my project, not furniture making (furniture making is just a branch).
(3) What has worked for you so far in the senior project?

Something that has worked for me in my senior project is continuously trying to find more and more woodworkers so that I can better understand different point of views on woodworking. Also doing my blogs early and putting a lot of thought into how I answer the questions because it gives me a good, detailed recap on what I have learned so far.

(4) What hasn't worked so far?  

Finding more mentors has been extremely hard, but I am keeping up and making very good progress but it has been challenging because most woodworkers make their own custom pieces and don't have time to worry about mentoring and making sure their apprentice is safe. They have a lot of work, and plus, woodworkers do not really mentor because their work is their own individual work that they don't really know how to teach exactly other then by example. It's just like art, you can go to school to learn how to paint but you can't learn exactly the way your teacher did, you kind of have to find your own way when it comes to woodworking.

(5) Finding Value:  Based on your experience so far,

  •  What possible question or questions come to mind regarding what you would like to study this year?
I would like to study more psychology to see how certain colors and environments affect human emotions so that I can use that to "communicate" with people about what my woodworking piece is trying to make them feel. Weather its relaxed, confused, happy, what ever it may be, psychology can help me accomplish that.
  •  What is your end goal this year with your senior project?
My goal is to make something magnificent, and possibly see if I can pursue this as a career.
  • Who would you like to talk to you next? Why?   
I would like to talk to someone from the Green & Green company or perhaps one of the Ipikajen makers because they have very amazing woodworking skills.

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